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Another split personality of ArtilectZed.

Kicking the tires on Takahe to see what it offers. I'll be posting on my main instance for the time being, but I really dig what I'm seeing here!

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ArtilectZed boosted

I'm going to do everything in my power to make this one of those weekly memes.

Edited 232d ago

@jessica You haven't failed me! I've been mostly off the fedi for the last week or so for my own mental health, as well. Take care of yourself!

I really dig that Takahe has ditched having it's own front end for posting/etc. Let other apps handle that! :/ fingers crossed for you

@wheeljack It seems my recent cold sensitivity just isn't happy, and is hard to plan around. Last week, I was sitting here in thermals, sweats and 3 layers of shirts, and had my feet on a warming pad, and still shivering while the house was 70f. Stupid body over-reaction to temps :/ When I went out for a walk on Sat in sunny 60f weather, I was actually wearing the long johns during it, and didn't start feeling slightly warm until I got home, and threw the shorts on. I was able to wear shorts instead of shivering at home in two layers of clothing. Wonderous joy! I'm looking forward to warmer weather. The day of 60f sunshine we had here on Saturday was wonderful. Tired of this cold BS. Having to change clocks twice a year certainly feels like something JarJar would do.

@jessica *hug* glad you made it through that.

@jessica *very* glad to hear it! I hadn't seen a post from you for a few days on my main time line. I don't care for the fact that I have to use a secondary account to keep up with people on the 'verse, but so be it!

@jessica 👋👋 How goes it?

@atomicpoet Here's Takahe -
A nice feature: You can have multiple identities under a single log in. You can also have multiple domains pointed at the same instance, but I don't personally have any screenshots of that.

Edited 1y ago
covid-adj, thinking about death, 2/2

@wheeljack It's actually been a color a few times. Different flavors associated with it.

ArtilectZed boosted

@jessica Motivation sucks. I haven't found any today, either.

veiled statements
veiled statements

WhaleBird works with Takahe. Excellent!

I tried to get Stable Diffusion 2.1 to make me a takahē, yesterday. This one looks like the result of a takahē breeding with a crow, I think.

@arthur 🤷 If I wasn't so lazy, I could probably go put an issue in on the GitHub. Maybe later.

ArtilectZed boosted
I apparently like taking pictures of waterfalls. Various shots (9 of them) of different waterfalls over the years, with different cameras.

@artilectzed Test reply. Also, woo, Takahe brings in all images attached to a post, not limited to the first 4!

ArtilectZed boosted
I haven't posted any tardigrades for a while. Made with starryai.

If you're only seeing 4 pictures, made sure to view the original post!

Argo 2/Stable Diffusion 2.x
Prompt: a close up of a beetle on a plate, by Aleksander Gierymski, fantasy art, jeweled technology, egyptian, turtle, dnd card art, mobile wallpaper, by joseph binder, scarlet emerald, vivid steampunk concept, ancient space ship, jewel, opal, red - eyed, andrey gordeev, buggy