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Jamie Matthews

Web engineer. Director of Engineering Strategy at Certn, Co-Founder, DabApps. Python, Django, etc. Dynamic language and boutique fuzz pedal enthusiast.

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Right. New plan.

Most of the Python crowd are now here. Twitter is a bit of a wasteland. So if you’re here for the Django content, this is the place.

But.. I’m going to resurrect my Twitter account to talk about green energy and solar and EVs and carbon emissions. That crowd doesn’t seem to be here yet, so much.

Let’s see how that goes.

@ghickman I asked a few people including a couple of electricians. Everyone said the Zappi is best. Particularly if you have solar panels (which I don’t but hopefully will soonish).

Today is the day. No more diesel!

Today I picked up a thousand litres of organic peat-free compost and now I’m reading up on ideal seed sowing dates. After dabbling with lettuce, courgettes and a few tomato plants last year, this year I’m going to give it a proper go.

Jamie Matthews boosted

And here's the official call for applications to be the next Django Fellow.

Don't be shy! It could be you! 🚀

My ISP is on the Fediverse

Jamie Matthews boosted

The idea of a company / official presence on the is a tricky one, I know. But it is also a really powerful feature on twitter for interacting with customers, and even being publicly called out for something by customers. Working with companies is the main reason I still use twitter.

So we are feeling our way on this, and trying to do it right. It is not for any sort of "advertising". It is for helping customers.

Comments and feedback always welcome.

^RevK, director. @revk

Edited 1y ago

@ulope glad someone got the reference! I was an avid user before I figured out that all I needed was Notepad

@carlton interesting... I can see the similarities! I always liked the look of Elm but I've never tried it. No need for a fan club here, particularly compared to the contributions you make to Django and the universe in general.

@webology huh, I’d found a few libraries like that but didn’t realise @adamchainz made one!

One nice thing about manipulating tuples directly (rather than wrapping tags in functions and using kwargs for attrs) is that you don’t have to worry about that kinda janky class_ thing 😆 just do {“class”: “whatever”}

A few weeks ago I open sourced a tiny library I’ve been noodling on for a while:

It’s for generating HTML from basic Python data structures. It’s a bit weird and most people will probably hate it (which is fine). But I’ve now built a moderately complicated web app with it and I’m never going back to string-based templates!

Oh, and it runs quite happily under MicroPython on a ~£4 microcontroller, which is fun.

Edited 1y ago

Such a good post. Embrace dynamic behaviour.

Aside: the new spec-to-serializer stuff I just added to django-readers is all about dynamic creation of serializer classes

Fairly impressed with (from the makers of htmx and _hyperscript). If, like me, you enjoy somewhat dull-looking websites and hate CSS, it might just be for you.

@carlton 👋🏻

@neil 👋🏻

A little late to the fediverse party perhaps, but here I am.