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Occasional DjangoCon organizer, soccer and football fan, home cook and brewer, hobbyist cyclist, peak dad, general nerd. He/him

28 Posts Posts & Replies 5 Following 7 Followers Search
Drew boosted

It is hard for us to identify our biases…why we demand more, scrutinize more, communicate less to one group over another. A good place to start is to be honest about the material harm this causes.

I am utterly burnt out from discussing these issues over a number of years but we are here talking about them some more.

An open letter to the PSF❤️

Oh hey, we're back after being down for a while

Drew boosted

Just because masking is not required anywhere else, it does not mean you are not allowed to mask/you shouldn't be masking. It just means it is not enforced anywhere else.

Personally from me: please, please, please, still mask on the plane on your travel PyCon US. Please still mask even when you're outside of the venue. Please mask at the after parties.

I know some of you will say "you can't tell me what to do".

For those willing to mask though, thank you.

Drew boosted

I've published - my perspective on safety for attendees at African Python community events.

I wrote it because I was troubled by some of the responses I have heard to the idea of a DjangoCon Africa - in a country such as Tanzania.

It's right that questions about safety should be asked. But when they're asked, they must be answered consistently and fairly - and not used to damage or undermine African open-source software communities.

Drew boosted

When you're saving a task for Monday morning because you know it'll help your week get off to a good start

@glasnt can we steal this for DCUS?

Drew boosted

"PyCon is run by the people that show up" - important words from our organisers this year.

1. Tell people where you've been and what you've been doing
2. Boost and talk about @pyconau
3. Sponsor the conference!
4. Speak! Think about a talk idea, watch for the Call for Sessions
5. Volunteer! Watch for the call for volunteering, you can sign up for a reminder
6. Attend!
7. Sign up to be on the organising committee!

Drew boosted

🎂 Today's my birthday, and if you feel like giving me a present, it'll make me so happy if you could share news about PyLadiesCon and the CFP to your network, and also submit a talk or two!


Drew boosted

📰 Want to get some exercise at US this October?

We have a new blog post showing some of the awesome exercise and nature options in and around Durham!


Drew boosted

If you are using, please answer to the survey, it will help us to redesign it in order to help users as best as possible 🙏🏽

(Special mention for 20tab 💚)

Drew boosted
Drew boosted

Just one day left to apply for the posted PyPI Safety and Security Engineer role!

Read our post announcing it at:

Apply here:

Drew boosted

An interpreter shell with no input is called a REPL without a clause.

@lacey oh totally. I had "No Bad Days" by Bastille playing on the way into school with the windows down a couple of days ago and forgot about the "fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em all" line

Drew boosted

just announced that going forward, any account not logged into for two years gets deleted.

This means huge amounts of rare or unique is about to disappear from as accounts get flagged as inactive, such as when the user dies. Families' (often posted by an older relative for their family's benefit), historical footage, rare clips, etc. What an incalculable loss to human and culture!

If there are videos important to you on someone else's video channel, find a way to download them. And if you have rare of historical importance, consider leaving it to institutional or lending it to archives for digital preservation.

The USPS is at it again. It's 2:36 PM and the package indeed did not arrive

Drew boosted

Want a chance to sit in our green room and contemplate the rolling hills of Sonoma County, California while you review your talk slides?

Now's your chance!

Proposal submissions for North Bay Python 2023 close on Friday, so get your ideas in now!

Edited 1y ago
Drew boosted

Why not submit a talk to ?

Drew boosted

Missed the / CFP Writing Workshop last night? I've turned it into a text post!


Drew boosted

Only two weeks (plus a couple hours) until both our CFP and Opportunity Grant applications close!

Call for Proposals:

Opportunity Grants:

And don't forget topic suggestions!

Drew boosted

Want to submit a talk to and/or and not sure where to start?

We're holding an in-person CFP Abstract writing workshop in Melbourne!

Drew boosted

Reminder: our call for proposals is open!

Did you see an awesome talk at @pycon that gave you an inspiration?

Did your talk not get accepted to either @djangoconeurope or PyCon US?

Submit it here by May 15.

Also, buy tickets!

After nearly 3 years and almost 5900 miles, my road bike (2011 specialized tarmac SL2) has decided it's done. It was my first "real" bike and has taken me farther than I ever thought I could go on two wheels. Naturally both my gravel bike (derailleur hanger) and mountain bike (weird hitch in the pedaling) are also having problems. Ugh I hate everything.

If anyone has leads in a 56-58 cm road bike, let me know.

Drew boosted

time: We’re PyCon AU, Australia’s conference for and by the programming community since 2010. After ten conferences on the East Coast and two conferences online, this year we’re going to be in Tarndanya/Adelaide on 18–22 Aug 2023! We’re run by a team of volunteers, led this year by @daisy and @attacus.