Profile for kelsonv

ℹ️ This account has permanently moved to @kelson
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About kelsonv


Techie, software developer, hobbyist photographer, sci-fi/fantasy & comics fan in the Los Angeles area. He/him.


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My new standalone @gotosocial server is set up, and I'm getting ready to migrate over to @kelson

This one ( will stick around for a bit while I look through bookmarks and boosts and old posts. If I read the docs correctly, I should be able to mark this account as moved and still be able to go through my archives afterward.

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I have never been able to remember TV episodes by number. I'm much more likely to remember one from the title, or "the one where...[some salient event]" (Unless the number is 1 and it's a show that does special season openers or season-long storytelling.)

Tell me something like Season 3 episode 5 of a show and I'll have NO IDEA which one you're talking about. Tell me something like "DS9: Far Beyond the Stars" or "Discovery: Choose Your Pain" or "The TNG episode where they found inorganic life that called humans 'ugly bags of mostly water' and I might know instantly.

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Kid found a "5D Chess" game where you can move pieces backward through time and branch off new timelines, and also move them across timelines. But still following their usual rules for moves (ex. Move the knight forward 2 and over 1 timeline)

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Played a couple of levels of the original Dark Forces and then the first level of the remaster.

Basically, imagine that they replaced all the sprites and textures with more detailed images, and enabled it to run with modern screen resolutions. Same with the cut scenes.

Otherwise it's exactly the same.

It really is like remastering a song from the original audio channels.

Back when the Star Wars Special Editions came out, one of the things they did was redo compositing in a lot of the effects where you could see the mattes in the original print. (This being Lucas, they'd saved the different components). Someone at Lucasfilm said of this that they'd be "the movie you remember, not the movie that it was." (Not counting all of the other changes made to the trilogy).

This is sort of like that. I could have sworn the original ran at better than 320x200, but apparently it didn't. And at first glance, the remaster is in fact closer to the game I remember than the original game is.

#StarWars #DarkForces #games

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